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Trello Tips for Effective Onboarding

June 30, 2023
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Trello Tips

Onboarding is the process of introducing new employees to the company culture, policies, procedures, and job requirements. It is a crucial step in building a productive and engaged workforce. Trello is a powerful tool that can help streamline the onboarding process and ensure that new hires feel welcome, informed, and empowered from day one. In this article, we’ll share some Trello tips for effective onboarding.

1. Create a Welcome Board

A Welcome Board is a great way to introduce new hires to the company and make them feel valued. You can use Trello to create a Welcome Board that includes information about the company’s history, mission, values, and goals. You can also include photos and bios of key team members, as well as any relevant policies or procedures that new hires should be aware of. This board can be shared with new hires before they start, so they can get a sense of the company culture and what to expect.

2. Use Checklists for Onboarding Tasks

Onboarding involves a lot of tasks, from setting up email accounts to scheduling training sessions. To ensure that nothing falls through the cracks, use Trello checklists to keep track of all the necessary tasks. You can create a checklist for each new hire, with items such as “Set up email account,” “Schedule first meeting with manager,” and “Complete online training modules.” This will help ensure that all the necessary steps are taken and that new hires are fully prepared for their new role.

3. Assign Tasks to Team Members

Onboarding is a team effort, and it’s important to ensure that everyone knows their role. Trello allows you to assign tasks to specific team members, so you can easily delegate responsibilities and track progress. For example, you might assign the task of setting up a new hire’s computer to the IT department, while the HR department might be responsible for scheduling training sessions. This will help ensure that everyone knows what they need to do and that nothing falls through the cracks.

4. Use Labels to Track Progress

Labels are a great way to track the progress of onboarding tasks. You can use Trello labels to indicate the status of each task, such as “To Do,” “In Progress,” and “Done.” This will help you keep track of what has been completed and what still needs to be done. You can also use labels to indicate which tasks are high priority and which can wait, so you can prioritize your workload accordingly.

5. Set Due Dates for Tasks

Onboarding involves a lot of tasks, and it’s important to keep track of deadlines. Trello allows you to set due dates for each task, so you can ensure that everything is completed on time. You can also set reminders for yourself and your team members, so you don’t forget about important tasks. This will help ensure that new hires are fully prepared for their new role.

6. Use Trello Templates

Trello templates are a great way to save time and ensure consistency in your onboarding process. You can create a template for each new hire, with all the necessary tasks and information already included. This will help ensure that nothing is overlooked and that new hires receive a consistent onboarding experience. You can also create templates for specific departments or roles, so you can easily onboard new hires in the future.

7. Use Trello Power-Ups

Trello Power-Ups are add-ons that can enhance the functionality of Trello. There are several Power-Ups that can be useful for onboarding, such as the Calendar Power-Up, which allows you to view tasks and due dates in a calendar format. You can also use the Custom Fields Power-Up to track additional information, such as new hire start dates or training completion dates. These Power-Ups can help you customize Trello to fit your specific onboarding needs.

8. Use Trello Integrations

Trello integrates with several other tools, such as Google Drive and Slack. These integrations can be useful for onboarding, as they allow you to easily share documents and communicate with team members. For example, you might use the Slack integration to notify team members when a new hire completes a training module, or the Google Drive integration to share onboarding documents with new hires. These integrations can help streamline your onboarding process and make it more efficient.

9. Solicit Feedback

The onboarding process is not just about introducing new hires to the company, but also about gathering feedback and making improvements. Trello allows you to solicit feedback from new hires and team members, so you can identify areas for improvement and make adjustments as needed. For example, you might create a Trello card that asks new hires to rate their onboarding experience or provide suggestions for improvement. This feedback can be invaluable in improving your onboarding process and ensuring that new hires feel valued and supported.

10. Continuously Improve

Onboarding is not a one-time event, but an ongoing process. It’s important to continuously assess and improve your onboarding process to ensure that it is effective and efficient. Trello allows you to track progress, solicit feedback, and make adjustments as needed, so you can continuously improve your onboarding process. This will help ensure that new hires are fully prepared for their new role and that they feel valued and supported from day one.


Trello is a powerful tool that can help streamline the onboarding process and ensure that new hires feel welcome, informed, and empowered from day one. By creating a Welcome Board, using checklists, assigning tasks to team members, using labels to track progress, setting due dates for tasks, using Trello templates and Power-Ups, integrating with other tools, soliciting feedback, and continuously improving, you can create an effective onboarding process that sets new hires up for success.

Related video of Trello Tips for Effective Onboarding

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