Getting passive income from the design sale isn’t difficult if you use the services of the marketplace. In the post, readers will learn the maximum amount of useful information about MasterBundles.
The dream of every artist is to devote maximum time to creating various designs, illustrations, and other graphic masterpieces instead of looking for clients and trying to make money from their creativity. That is why nowadays many specialized platforms sell graphic products to make designers` lives much easier.
And having come a long way in finding really worthwhile marketplaces, I want to share my experience of working with MasterBundles with other designers who would like to sell their work without problems. In the article, readers will learn about the main features, the crucial pros and cons, know how to start selling work, and how much you can get from it. .
Let’s start with the basics so that it`ll be clear even to those artists who have not yet dealt with such platforms. MasterBundles is a graphic design-oriented marketplace where you can both buy and sell various products:
One of the features of the site is the presence of freebies and sets of thematically related products, the total price of which is lower than if everything is bought separately. But don`t think that bundles and free designs devalue the work of the vendor: due to an attractive pricing policy, products are promoted and bought very well. So, the price is fully offset by
Using the services of this marketplace for some time, I have explored several advantages:
Also, I would say that a little help in promoting products is an advantage, too. For example, the platform includes designs in the mailing list for an audience of 70k users, and also regularly publishes articles and guides relevant to vendors in the “Knowledge Base”.
Nevertheless, there are some issues that vendors may not like.
Before sending my work through the form to masterbundles, I spent a lot of time studying the platform itself and the features of withdrawing money. Then I decided to send the first products (several illustrations and a pattern). The moderation went pretty quickly, within 24 hours, after which I could already see the designs in the relevant categories. I managed to accumulate the minimum withdrawal amount within three days. After the first withdrawal, it became clear that on the marketplace vendors can receive additional income regularly and without any problems.
By the way, here are some of my works — explore them in the listicle!
Time to crown it all! My experience of working with MasterBundles has shown that the platform is ideal for selling graphic products and allows you to receive passive income without problems.
A vendor can earn from 500 bucks in a few months just by posting about 15 designs on the marketplace — so don’t miss this opportunity! In addition, the platform is constantly evolving, user-oriented, and helps to promote artists` products, so I think designers should definitely try themselves here.