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  7. How to Find Remote Marketing Jobs

How to Find Remote Marketing Jobs

June 30, 2023
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Remote work has been on the rise for years, and the COVID-19 pandemic has only accelerated the trend. Many businesses are now fully remote, and companies are hiring remote workers more than ever before. If you’re a marketer looking for a remote job, there are plenty of opportunities out there. In this article, we’ll explore some tips and strategies for finding remote marketing jobs.

1. Start with a good job board

There are many job boards out there that specialize in remote work, and some of them are specifically for marketing jobs. Some of the best job boards for remote marketing jobs include:

  • Remote.co
  • We Work Remotely
  • FlexJobs
  • Virtual Vocations
  • Indeed

These job boards have a wide range of marketing jobs, from entry-level positions to senior-level roles. They also have filters that you can use to narrow down your search by job type, industry, location, and other criteria.

2. Network with other marketers

Networking is always important when you’re looking for a job, and it’s especially important when you’re looking for a remote job. Reach out to other marketers in your industry and ask if they know of any remote marketing jobs. Join marketing groups on LinkedIn and Facebook and engage with other members. Attend virtual events and conferences and connect with other attendees.

You can also reach out to recruiters who specialize in remote work. They can help you find job openings that you might not be able to find on your own.

3. Check out company websites

Many companies that hire remote workers will have a “Careers” or “Jobs” page on their website. Check out these pages to see if they have any marketing jobs available. If they don’t have any jobs listed, you can still reach out to the company and ask if they’re hiring for any remote marketing positions.

You can also use LinkedIn to research companies that hire remote workers. Search for companies in your industry and check out their LinkedIn pages. Look for any information about remote work or flexible work arrangements. If a company is open to remote work, they may have information about it on their LinkedIn page.

4. Use social media

Social media can be a great way to find remote marketing jobs. Follow companies that you’re interested in working for on Twitter, LinkedIn, and other social media platforms. They may post job openings on their social media pages before they post them on their website or job board.

You can also use hashtags to search for remote marketing jobs on social media. Some popular hashtags include #remotemarketingjobs, #digitalmarketingjobs, and #contentmarketingjobs. Use these hashtags to search for job openings and to connect with other marketers.

5. Consider freelancing or consulting

If you’re having trouble finding a full-time remote marketing job, consider freelancing or consulting. Many companies hire freelancers or consultants for short-term projects or ongoing work. This can be a great way to build your portfolio and gain experience while you’re looking for a full-time job.

You can find freelance and consulting opportunities on job boards like Upwork and Freelancer, or you can reach out to companies directly and offer your services.


1. How do I know if a remote job is legitimate?

It’s important to do your research before applying for a remote job. Look for reviews of the company online, and check out their website and social media pages. If a job seems too good to be true, it probably is. Be wary of any job that requires you to pay money upfront.

2. What skills do I need to work remotely as a marketer?

Most remote marketing jobs require the same skills as in-office marketing jobs. These include communication skills, project management skills, and marketing skills like SEO, content marketing, and social media management. Remote workers also need to be self-motivated and able to manage their time effectively.

3. How do I prepare for a remote job interview?

Prepare for a remote job interview just like you would for an in-person interview. Research the company and the job, and prepare answers to common interview questions. Make sure you have a reliable internet connection and a quiet, distraction-free space for the interview. Dress professionally, even if the interview is over video chat.

4. Should I include my remote work experience on my resume?

Absolutely. Remote work experience is becoming more and more valuable to employers, so make sure to highlight any remote work experience you have on your resume. Be specific about the skills you developed while working remotely, such as communication, time management, and self-motivation.

5. How do I negotiate remote work arrangements with my employer?

If you’re currently employed and want to start working remotely, it’s important to approach your employer with a plan. Be prepared to explain why working remotely would benefit both you and the company. Offer to start with a trial period to show that you can be productive while working remotely. Be flexible and willing to compromise, and be open to feedback from your employer.


There are many remote marketing jobs available, and with the right strategy, you can find one that’s a perfect fit for you. Start by using job boards and networking with other marketers. Check out company websites and use social media to find job openings. And if you’re having trouble finding a full-time job, consider freelancing or consulting. With persistence and a positive attitude, you can land a great remote marketing job.

Related video of How to Find Remote Marketing Jobs

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